Sunday, December 10, 2006

Such a looooooooong time since my previous blog. Everytime I logged in to my account, starring at the screen for couple of minutes, my procrastinating virus attacked my brain again. I've tried so hard to create a new post but it seems so hard for me to complete one. Whenever I start, I'll be running out of material to write about and in the end, the new post window will be closed and you'll see nothing new in my blog. hahaha.

My life here have changed a little bit here. Finals coming, the day I'm leaving the states heading home for vacation has been pulled ahead which falls on this 22nd of December, the places I've been to in US has increased from 4 to 5(which are Chicago, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Wisconsin Dells, and the latest will be St Louis) and my status has changed to in a relationship after being single for almost 2 years. Hehe. Alright, I'll just stop writing and post some pictures here. Hope I'll kick ass in every finals of the classes I'm taking!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

After reading someone's blog, I have the mutual feeling. When we blog, we wrote something about our life. But the trend is, we usually blog about something nice for people to read, something appropriate for people to know. People don't blog something that's really happening. Frankly, the "people" I'm using, included me.

My 2nd attempt of FM, Financial Mathematic become past tense by actual time 11 am but 10.30 am actuarial society time on 8th of November 2006. I knew it's over now, but I kind of anxious about knowing whether I pass or fail. It's not the problem of how many attempts I've tried. It's because, this is our last chance to pass the old format. Starting on next year, they've decided to add more material in it. The material that I don't really understand. Derivative market. Well, I think it's actually the matter of time. I'll master it one day. Haha.

After FM, I actually planned to go crazy but...... since I'm having mgmt120 exam on Friday, I can't really lose control. So, might just have some fun and that's it. Moreover, 2 exams on next week and 1 on the following. It's not the right timing yet.

Monday, October 23, 2006

GA DARN IT!!!!!! I can't believe I did it again!!!!! Already have a scheduled concert long time ago, still be able to forget about it and thinking of going to winery tour??? O COME ON!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME??????????

Friday, October 13, 2006

I'm in Chicago again, for the 4th time already. Should be pretty familiar with the directions here but, once I got out of the Greyhound station, I lost my direction again. Darn it!!! According to the schedule, I should have left Des Moines by 8.30 am and reach Iowa City around 10.30 am. It didn't come out that way because something under the bus broke and the driver had to use duct tape to seal it temporarily. In the end, I was nearly two hours late from the actual schedule. Supposingly to have reach Chicago by 4.20 pm and ended up 7 pm to get my butt off the bus. Called my brother and he said he'll meet me at the Roosevelt station. I was expecting a hug from my lovely brother and I got nothing. Haha.

It's kind of sad for me to end up traveling with Greyhound. Want to know why? I thought I would be coming to Chicago by my newly met friends' car. On the 13th night, I called one of them and they told me that they had cancelled the plan to Chicago due to the freezing weather going to be in Chicago. (Actually it wasn't that bad here, at least it's warmer than Des Moines.) Frankly, I kind of pissed as they should have told me by the time they cancelled. I had to book my ticket at the last minute. Whatever...... at least I'll get the chance to study my FM exam, erm..... for the 2nd time. I failed on the 1st attempt and hopefully, I can pass it for 2nd attempt as they're adding syllabus next year. That suck!!!! Wish me luck, pal!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sigh......planned to sleep earlier but, I forgot my stupid laundry still in the washing machine. Because of that, I'll have to wait for an hour in order to collect my dried clothes. Just leave it there? NO WAY!!! I need my pants for tomorrow morning!!! Tomorrow, after my normal classes, I'll be having my 2nd private violin class. Bad comments from my teacher on my 1st lesson. I have a feeling that tomorrow, he'll be mad at me again as I haven't gotten my score yet. It's part of my mistake. I should have found the address before I make my order. I believed they are sending the scores from somewhere in Europe...... which means, I won't get it so soon. Argghhhh.......

Friday, September 15, 2006


It's been another big interval since my last blogging. Getting lazier to update my blog. Did I use the wrong comparative adjective? Lazier? Hmm...... Seriously, I can feel that this semester, if I don't manage my time properly, I'm going to screw my results. All my Monday to thursday have been filled with activities, classes and work. 7 in the morning, have to wake up and prepare to go to work. 5 minutes walk from my room. There will be a half an hour or an hour break between my work and class time. Monday and Wednesday will be half an hour when Tuesday and Thursday will be an hour. All my classes end at 3.15 pm. By the time, I'll be dead tired and feel like doing nothing. Haha. BUT!!!!! Tuesday, I'll have to rush over to the Fine Art Center for orchestra. Wednesday, Fine Art Center again but it's for my private violin class. What a busy semester. Haha. Wait a minute, it's not done yet. I work at the library reference counter every Monday and Wednesday from 8pm to 11pm. Friday, orchestra again from 3.30 to 5.30. Kind of enjoying my life though it's busy. We're playing Dvorak's From the New World, a Mozart violin concerto, and erm, I couldn't remember the title and was lazy to find out what is it.

Suddenly, feel like talking about something totally irrelevant with the 1st paragraph. Haha. Before school starts, I went to my first baseball game in the States. Iowa Cubs VS err.... forgot. haha. Here's some pictures of it. We weren't lucky enough to get the homerun ball. Sigh...... it was flying towards our direction and flew over our building. Darn it......

Again, Irrelevant topic just popped up and couldn't help. Sorry for making you guys lost in my blog. Hehe. But, please forgive me. I am bad in organizing stuff. I'm taking STAT 132 this semester. We're using a textbook written by our advisor, Eric's dearest Prof. Klugman, who has a son named David Klugman studying in Drake as well. Haha. Ooops...... The title of the book named Loss Models. After going few classes, my friend changed the name to LosT Models. It's quite true when you can see everybody's expression during the class. Of course, I'm one of them.

Oh, yesterday, I went to the rush for business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. We went to a small town for mini-golfing. Everybody was playing properly for the 1st few holes. After they knew they couldn't really enter the ball with par, creativity took place. Whatever ways you can think of, you would find it there. Bowl it, pool style, basketball style, soccer, etc. Finally, we reached the 18th hole, the hole was set on the top of a small hump. The ritual master, put a ten bucks note on the hump, whoever makes the hole in one, the ten bucks is his or hers. Few minutes later, somebody doubles up to twenty. Another few minutes later, an additional one buck was added. So, the jackpot was 21 bucks in total. There were so many people trying to get the 21 bucks. I tried a couple of times. In the end, someone named Adam if I'm not wrong won the jackpot. It was fun though I didn't win the jackpot. Haha.

Alrighty, give me some comments if you want to. Please feel free to point out grammatical errors. I would love to accept your correction(s, maybe) .

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I'll be sitting for another professional paper tomorrow. After the paper, I'll be allowed to move in to the dorm earlier for working the preseason term which last for two weeks. This summer was about to end "default" I should have passed one paper and waiting for another one. It doesn't come out identical what I've forecasted long before summer started. Seems like I'm not a good predictor at all. Haha. All I can do now is to laugh. Oh wait, it's not the end of the world yet, I still have a paper tomorrow. If I'm able to pass it, it won't differ that much from my plan. It just delay a bit. haha.
It's been three weeks plus since I've started to work in office of Student Records. How funny is it, when I started to work, there were 7 people in the office and 4 of them are left hander including me. On Monday, another new staff start working and I found out, he's another left hander!!!!! Left hander dominates the student records!!! I have never seen right hander being a minority before. haha. Frankly, I met most of the left hander in Drake University. After three weeks of working experience, I believe I'm able to handle all the basic project that is given to me. Actually, the word project seems too professional to my responsibility in Student Records. Basically, what I have to do is, folding transcripts, doing all sorts of verifications, print requested transcript, alphabertized document and most of the time, answering phone calls. My first phone call was a hard one. A professor called and wanted to verified if one of the class is scheduled correctly. I know it shouldn't be an excuse, I was nervous for the first time, so when I heard his question, I panic! I didn't know he is the professor and I'd put him on hold for several times and end up transfer him to Terry, who's one of the professional staff in Student Records. That's suck..... I'd been listening to others conversations to learn how to react. The 1st mistake I've made was, I didn't identify who am I speaking to. That's the main problem. I only learnt it after several calls. How can I call myself a fast learner? I doubt that. haha. Anyway, I've thought about it before, I shouldn't avoid to answer phone calls! Since I'm not a fast learner, I'll have to practise more. Now I'm glad to have the chance to practise on phone calls. hehe.
Due to somebody's request, haha, you know who you are, I don't have to say it. Here's my update.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Been busy working for the past two weeks. Everyday, waking up around 5 or 6 in the morning, get myself prepared and went out to work. After delivering and picking up, I would have to go to the other place to work. It's been a while and really tiring. 18th of August, date of another professional paper. Unfortunately, I flunk the 1st paper. It's kind of sad as I'll have to pay another USD 150 for the exam fee. If I could make it the 1st time, my Uni will refund half of the fees. So in total, I've lost USD 225 as I'll have to pay for the 2nd time.
Yesterday, I was obsessed with an oldies named while my guitar gently weeps. Go ahead with this link and listen to it. Hope you'll like it.
erm, my lovely cousin, I'm so sad to say that I don't think I could make it to Texas by this Summer. It's so kind of you for offering me a ticket to Texas. hehe. Still, thank you so much though i couldn't make it.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

29th of June. The end of June and July's coming. After July will be August. Another paper on August. Wanted to start my preparation rightaway but, I kept giving myself excuses for not starting my revision. What's wrong with me? Hardly to find other word than lazy. Almost 6 months being a undergrad and my unproductive behavior still very tangible. Ow! Using a new word, procrastinate. Always wasting my time without noticing it. Sometimes, I just have those materials with me but still, tried my very best to delay or distract to something else. What should I do? Anyone?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Been lazy updating my blog recently because I've been suffering feverS. The real fever and world cup fever. Thanks for concerning, I felt better now. hmm.... since somebody said i write one paragraphs for the sake of updating my blog, I'll write a bit more than the last update. haha. I've been trying to write a qualitied blog but everytime I clicked on the 'create' link, I was stunned. Though I have so much to write about, it will end up a short single paragraph. Yang Jian said writing is a good habit. I knew but hardly kept it as my hobby. This might be caused by my lack of reading. I knew my weakness but I couldn't change it.
Before summer started, I've planned to fully utilize my spare time to study and start preparation for my future. Get a office work might help me with it. Everytime I attended an interview, the only respond I've got is "you're an excellent candidate, but...." Bullshit!! I knew I have to face it and I'll be prepared.
whew..... finally, two point something paragraphs. Improved a bit huh. hahaha

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I lost my ipod nano.....

last month, my friend told me that if you opened an account in TCF bank, they'll give out an ipod nano for free. Too bad, Iowa state is too developed to have TCF bank in it. Thought of opening online saving account but they didn't provide that service. Sigh..... I just lost it. The promotion is going to end at 30th of June.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Anywhere - Evanescence

Dear my love, haven't you wanted to be with me
Ad dear my love, haven't you longed to be free
I can't keep pretending that I don't even know you
And at sweet night, you are my own
Take my hand

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning's light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

I have dreamt of a place for you and I
No one knows who we are there
All I want is to give my life only to you
I've dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let's run away, I'll take you there

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning's light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where no one needs a reason

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you now

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning's light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

here's some pictures

hey guys, I went to Chicago again last weekend, to visit my dearest brother. haha. After being lectured, I thought he's right, I don't have to tell story about every picture. Just upload it and let you guys have some frames about my life in US. hehe, here you go. Some of the pictures are taken in wisconsin dells. That with my brother was in Chicago. PS: the cake wasn't for me but two girls.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Yesterday morning, I sat for my 1st professional paper. For some reason, I wasn't really sure about when did I start my preparation. It doesn't matter now as the exam is over now. I can do nothing but pray hard to pass it. They are going to add syllabus into the exam I've just taken. So everybody out there, please wish me good luck. haha.
After the exam, I went to two shopping mall in Des Moines to relax. Felt a sudden emptiness, just like last time, after my UEC exam. Now finding for purpose of staying in US to get rid of that emptiness. Looking for part-time jobs, earn my living cost during summer. All the BEST!!!!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hi guys!!! I'm back!! I've just done my shifting job from my dorm to our summer apartment. Actually, we're kind of staying illegally in the apartment as it's designed for one person. But guess what, there're totally 5 people in the apartment. We have six initially but one left because of his health issue. After this 28, we'll have 4 people in the apartment. Everyday, we have to beware of the real estate agent as they might chase us out and we would end up homeless if that happens. haha. Quite interesting huh. alright, i'll try my best to keep you guys update as I have no internet connection at the apartment. see ya.

Friday, May 05, 2006

5 more days later, it will be completely one month since my last post. My final week has approaching silently with an unbelievable speed. When back to my mind, up til today, it's been 117 days since I've reached Des Moines. Lots of things happened. Summer is coming and spring is leaving. Frankly, I don't really feel that it's spring in Des Moines. The weather here is very unpredictable. You will never know until you see snow flakes falling. Well, I'll write more after this. Need to get myself back to study for my first final in US.

Friday, April 07, 2006

getting warmer and warmer

From the weather, I can tell, spring's coming! Few weeks before, I used to wear at least three layers of clothes. Yesterday, one layer was more than enough. I noticed that I was even sweating indoor. Couldn't imagine how would it be during Summer.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Somebody, please.

Last Friday, a group of twelve from UNL (University of Nebraska Lincoln) came to Drake. It was something like an interaction between two Uni's Act Sci major students. For no reason, I hosted one of the students to stay overnight. The student I was hosting named Greg. As usual, we did some brief introduction about each other. Came across this question, why did you choose actuarial science. Recently, I've been asking a lot of Act Sci Student about this question and what I've got is almost the same. Most of them answered like they loved math, business, statistics. Whenever come to myself, why did I choose actuarial science, it's still a question mark to me. I'm interested in so many fields and I'm doing none of them now. Maybe, whenever I asked somebody about why act sci, I was looking for somebody that might have the same doubts as mine. Looking for somebody who could share their doubts and uncertainty with me. Til now, I haven't found any yet. Maybe I'm the only person who doubts about myself. haha.

Friday, March 31, 2006

What a.....

Yesterday, as usual, working in hubbell dining hall. It was raining so heavily that everybody came in as they'd just had a shower. haha. Suddenly, I heard something like siren. Everyone was shocked and the manager shouted, " Go, to the tunnel now!!". Most of the students in hubbell quickly return their trays and ran out of the dining hall. As that was my 1st time, I was still a bit retarded about what was happening. When I found out it was a tornado warning, some excitement just pop up and was thinking of able to go back earlier!! haha. But, we were escorted to the tunnel under hubbell and stayed there for about 5 minutes. In the end, I still have to carry on my work after the 5 minutes. What a disappointment......

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Chicago Trip

Last week, I went to Chicago with a group of eight. The morning before we set off, I took and passed my driving test. It was my second time taking the test. The first instructor had me sat in the car, and failed me directly because the car I used was disqualified as it didn't have a front car plate. I was pretty confident about my driving skill but...... Anyway, I've passed it. Here's the proof. haha.

It's been my second time to Chicago. It's interesting though. We arrived around evening. It was kind of late, so I "ditch" my friend and went party with my brother. We went to the china town and had the "original" chinese cuisine there. We had roast duck, cha shao, smoothies(I know it's not chinese food but it's nice though) and others. Why is it "original" because it's run by the chinese. In Des Moines, besides one restaurant is by Hong Kong people, others are either Vietnamese or Korean. Like last time, the wind was strong and freezing. Totally different from Des Moines. This time, besides going to Shedd's Aquarium, walked around Sears tower, the Millenium Park, I went to Michigan Ave for shopping, United Center to take picture with "Michael Jordan". I loved the night view from Shedd's Aquarium.

This trip really cost me a lot! It nearly finished my two months' pay. I was planning to get a new pair of shoes in the Premium outlet but end up with bags of clothing and jeans, and still couldn't get my footwear...... Maybe I'm too picky about it.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

I nearly forgot about this

Hi guys, I'm posting another one now. I've taken this picture long time ago and forgot to share it with you all. Now here it is. It was taken when I was on my way to class. Nice view huh? That's the hall I'm staying, Goodwin-Kirk (we used to call it GK). Oh, I think I'm really talented in taking picture. haha.

Friday, February 17, 2006

it's getting colder and colder......

Hi everyone!! I've been quite a busy time here. Had three tests within two days. I was totally stressed up and finding chance to relax. Finally, it's over. Surprisingly, two of them were quite easy but for finance, I really need some luck to get good result. So, just wish me good luck everybody.
It's getting colder and colder lately. The lowest temperature since I've got here is 0 Fahrenheit, which is -17 degree celsius. It's unbelievable huh? Haha. Anyway, I'm kind of getting used to it already but sometimes, when the wind blows, you'll really shake, a lot!! So, scarf and snow cap really helps a lot. I felt warm when I was with them. For those who are coming to Des Moines, make sure you have your scarf, cap and earmuff with you or you'll regret. Trust me. haha. By the way, this is one of my roommates. He's Edem Jimbo. Black power!!!!! Jimboism!!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Hello guys. I'm sorry for my tortoiselike publishing speed. hehe. Without noticing, school had started last Tuesday. Before school started, ACTS 140's professor, Paul Judd, had sent us an email telling us to read section 1.1 to 1.5. That was disaster as at that moment, I didn't even know where to get my textbook. Haha. Luckily, able to borrow it from my senior here. This is my second academic week. Have to study material everyday. If don't, I'll lose my way during class. Keep up keep up!!! I don't want to be left behind!! Stressed..........

Friday, January 20, 2006

My life in Des Moines

I've reached Des Moines since 8th of January. In here, I've got to know a lot of Americans here. They don't smoke, no alcoholic drink, and just like to hang out in friends' house. I really got to thank them because they have been driving us to Walmart, shopping malls here and showed us around. Have you guys heard of IHOP before? I heard it only when I came to Des Moines. It stands for International House Of Pancakes. The pictures here showed that we, a bunch of peoples, crowded the IHOP for our dinner. I had chosen the all-you-can-eat-pancakes for my dinner. Those were the first five pancakes I had since I have reached US. They were so thick and sticky when you put it in your mouth. I could only eat 7 pancakes in the end. There were two Americans, who each ate 22 pancakes and broke the IHOP record of the year. From the manager of IHOP, the greatest record of IHOP in Des Moines is 77 pieces in 3 to 4 hours. Unbelievable huh? Can you believe it?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My 1st new year party in Chicago

I'm so lucky to have a brother in Chicago. hehe. Just got here and able to attend New Year party in the states. I guess, not much people are that lucky right? Haha. Jealous? I've got to know some new friends during the part, mostly from Taiwan. They're so friendly and full of passion. We had delicious cuisine together and countdown from 5 seconds before first day of 2006 came and cheers with champagne which brought by Oscar. After everything, we decided to eat the two chocolate cakes. One's from my brother and the other one's from Charlie. In the end, each of us were just able to finish mostly one piece of the chocolate cake which's from my brother. The one on the right corner above. That was a cake really made of chocolate. Congratulations bro, your cake ruled!!! haha

get some clothing

This is it!!! The Premium Outlet. It's something like F.O.S in Malaysia where you can get lots of cheap stuff. In here, we can get Nike, Reebok, Adidas, C.K, Polo,.... etc, with erm... you may say low price if you earn USD and spend it here. For examples, a pair of Nike shoes, it's around USD 30++. If you convert it to RM, you might be saying that it's the same price but if you're earning money here, Nike shoes are considered the same level as Bata shoes in Malaysia. hehe. I've gotten some clothes, socks and a pair of basketball boots! Thanks bro!! Muaks.