Friday, May 26, 2006

Yesterday morning, I sat for my 1st professional paper. For some reason, I wasn't really sure about when did I start my preparation. It doesn't matter now as the exam is over now. I can do nothing but pray hard to pass it. They are going to add syllabus into the exam I've just taken. So everybody out there, please wish me good luck. haha.
After the exam, I went to two shopping mall in Des Moines to relax. Felt a sudden emptiness, just like last time, after my UEC exam. Now finding for purpose of staying in US to get rid of that emptiness. Looking for part-time jobs, earn my living cost during summer. All the BEST!!!!!

1 comment:

ka48309 said...

Howdy partner,

Ya want to come down to texas. I'll split the ticket with ya. Yeeehawww.