Suddenly, feel like talking about something totally irrelevant with the 1st paragraph. Haha. Before school starts, I went to my first baseball game in the States. Iowa Cubs VS err.... forgot. haha. Here's some pictures of it.

Again, Irrelevant topic just popped up and couldn't help. Sorry for making you guys lost in my blog. Hehe. But, please forgive me. I am bad in organizing stuff. I'm taking STAT 132 this semester. We're using a textbook written by our advisor, Eric's dearest Prof. Klugman, who has a son named David Klugman studying in Drake as well. Haha. Ooops...... The title of the book named Loss Models. After going few classes, my friend changed the name to LosT Models. It's quite true when you can see everybody's expression during the class. Of course, I'm one of them.
Oh, yesterday, I went to the rush for business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. We went to a small town for mini-golfing. Everybody was playing properly for the 1st few holes. After they knew they couldn't really enter the ball with par, creativity took place. Whatever ways you can think of, you would find it there. Bowl it, pool style, basketball style, soccer, etc. Finally, we reached the 18th hole, the hole was set on the top of a small hump. The ritual master, put a ten bucks note on the hump, whoever makes the hole in one, the ten bucks is his or hers. Few minutes later, somebody doubles up to twenty. Another few minutes later, an additional one buck was added. So, the jackpot was 21 bucks in total. There were so many people trying to get the 21 bucks. I tried a couple of times. In the end, someone named Adam if I'm not wrong won the jackpot. It was fun though I didn't win the jackpot. Haha.
Alrighty, give me some comments if you want to. Please feel free to point out grammatical errors. I would love to accept your correction(s, maybe) .
Wah ur blog got so many random topics one haha. Nice to know what you've been doing at Drake. Wish I can join u all too! Meet up during Thanksgiving yah!
PS: Why 'force' me leave comment but u dun leave comment at mine? :P
Aiks... somebody's really busy huh! Even no time to reply my message in msn wor... Haha..take care there yea...
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