Sunday, December 10, 2006

Such a looooooooong time since my previous blog. Everytime I logged in to my account, starring at the screen for couple of minutes, my procrastinating virus attacked my brain again. I've tried so hard to create a new post but it seems so hard for me to complete one. Whenever I start, I'll be running out of material to write about and in the end, the new post window will be closed and you'll see nothing new in my blog. hahaha.

My life here have changed a little bit here. Finals coming, the day I'm leaving the states heading home for vacation has been pulled ahead which falls on this 22nd of December, the places I've been to in US has increased from 4 to 5(which are Chicago, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Wisconsin Dells, and the latest will be St Louis) and my status has changed to in a relationship after being single for almost 2 years. Hehe. Alright, I'll just stop writing and post some pictures here. Hope I'll kick ass in every finals of the classes I'm taking!!!!!!