Saturday, March 03, 2007


Guess what happened on Thursday? Blizzard!!!! First blizzard both in my life and since I've come to Des Moines, little pathetic capital of Iowa. No matter how strong is your desire to go out, you'll decide to cancel whatever plan you have once you look outside the window. The whole Des Moines had been shut down due to the blizzard.

On the previous Friday, which is 23rd of February, another exam down. I passed it!!!! YEAH!!!!! Finally, I am able to include two exam passed in my resume. But the sad part is, I didn't get any offer for summer internship. Sigh...... I really need to get an internship during this summer. If not, It'll be a hard time for me to get full-time job here. Can anyone get me an intern position in US please?


ka48309 said...

Hmm, my powers are weak for that kind of influence.

Jordan said...

Great power comes with great responsible....i'll pass....

JenminC said...

wait...chicago had a blizzard?

btw, it was snowing about 4 days ago here in Richmond..

Anonymous said...

Do you really need to wait for a month or longer to update your blog??

Jordan said...

on the other hand, Kai might said 'my great power will be wasted on using that kind of influence........haha