Thursday, August 17, 2006


I'll be sitting for another professional paper tomorrow. After the paper, I'll be allowed to move in to the dorm earlier for working the preseason term which last for two weeks. This summer was about to end "default" I should have passed one paper and waiting for another one. It doesn't come out identical what I've forecasted long before summer started. Seems like I'm not a good predictor at all. Haha. All I can do now is to laugh. Oh wait, it's not the end of the world yet, I still have a paper tomorrow. If I'm able to pass it, it won't differ that much from my plan. It just delay a bit. haha.
It's been three weeks plus since I've started to work in office of Student Records. How funny is it, when I started to work, there were 7 people in the office and 4 of them are left hander including me. On Monday, another new staff start working and I found out, he's another left hander!!!!! Left hander dominates the student records!!! I have never seen right hander being a minority before. haha. Frankly, I met most of the left hander in Drake University. After three weeks of working experience, I believe I'm able to handle all the basic project that is given to me. Actually, the word project seems too professional to my responsibility in Student Records. Basically, what I have to do is, folding transcripts, doing all sorts of verifications, print requested transcript, alphabertized document and most of the time, answering phone calls. My first phone call was a hard one. A professor called and wanted to verified if one of the class is scheduled correctly. I know it shouldn't be an excuse, I was nervous for the first time, so when I heard his question, I panic! I didn't know he is the professor and I'd put him on hold for several times and end up transfer him to Terry, who's one of the professional staff in Student Records. That's suck..... I'd been listening to others conversations to learn how to react. The 1st mistake I've made was, I didn't identify who am I speaking to. That's the main problem. I only learnt it after several calls. How can I call myself a fast learner? I doubt that. haha. Anyway, I've thought about it before, I shouldn't avoid to answer phone calls! Since I'm not a fast learner, I'll have to practise more. Now I'm glad to have the chance to practise on phone calls. hehe.
Due to somebody's request, haha, you know who you are, I don't have to say it. Here's my update.


Sheau Chin said...

haha.. who is that somebody ah? :P Eh eh, I'm a left-hander too! Oh wait, u alredi knew that. U need to find someone to join our left-handers pool team liao. Good luck for ur exam tomorrow!

Huan Bean said...

na~~ I'm not getting a new teammate, you can't be replaced. haha.

Anonymous said...

Good luck for your paper, you can do it!~

Anonymous said...

omg, I'm Jiajia here... =P

ka48309 said...

Huh? What? What about an elephant?

Huan Bean said...

elephant?what happened to elephant?