Sunday, April 02, 2006

Somebody, please.

Last Friday, a group of twelve from UNL (University of Nebraska Lincoln) came to Drake. It was something like an interaction between two Uni's Act Sci major students. For no reason, I hosted one of the students to stay overnight. The student I was hosting named Greg. As usual, we did some brief introduction about each other. Came across this question, why did you choose actuarial science. Recently, I've been asking a lot of Act Sci Student about this question and what I've got is almost the same. Most of them answered like they loved math, business, statistics. Whenever come to myself, why did I choose actuarial science, it's still a question mark to me. I'm interested in so many fields and I'm doing none of them now. Maybe, whenever I asked somebody about why act sci, I was looking for somebody that might have the same doubts as mine. Looking for somebody who could share their doubts and uncertainty with me. Til now, I haven't found any yet. Maybe I'm the only person who doubts about myself. haha.


ka48309 said...

I don't know what I want to do when I grow up either...uhhh actually I don't want to grow up period.

Huan Bean said...

haha, really? So have you found the thing that you want to do? hopefully I can find mine soon.

Anonymous said...

hey cousin, guess who i am?
i figured that it would take you over your lifetime to guess who i am, so i think i'll have to tell you. I am----------------hahaha, i'll tell you next time, 881~

Anonymous said...

You are very sweet.
You will be my 3rd favorite coz now. haha~

Huan Bean said...

haha, my favourite cousin? hmm...... tell me. I seriously have no idea. hey bocboc, i'm the 3rd ? who's the 1st and 2nd?

ka48309 said...

Your brother is your favorite cousin?

Huan Bean said...

I mean this person
" Your favorite cousin said...

hey cousin, guess who i am?
i figured that it would take you over your lifetime to guess who i am, so i think i'll have to tell you. I am----------------hahaha, i'll tell you next time, 881~ "